Get instant access to extensive preflop charts and lessons (for cash games and tournaments) when you join the Upswing Lab training course. So, if the big blind is . The chart below indicates the preflop equities of various matchups of poker hands when two players see a flop heads-up in Texas Hold’em poker. The stack-to-pot ratio should influence your bet size. Calculating Poker Odds for Dummies - A FREE, #1 guide to mastering odds. 3x from the cutoff. A 4-bet is the second re-raise in a betting round, usually seen preflop. 5bb raise from every position except for the small blind. It has charts in it for 200BB Cash games. If the action gets back to you and you re-raise again, that’s a 4-bet. These charts make it easy to assess the likelihood of turning your hole cards into a pot winning hand by showdown. 6 stars - 1224 reviewsNote: Stop playing preflop guessing games that cost you money. Generally speaking, the suitedness advantage is greater for weaker starting hands. Poker hand rankings printable chart cheat sheet beats printPoker table positions strategy: blind, early, middle, late Texas hold’em poker percentages: an in-depth lookPoker preflop strategy: fixed limit preflop hand chart (6 max) for. When you’re reading an article from the Upswing Poker blog, or looking at our free preflop charts, suited hands will be denoted with an “s”, while offsuit hands are denoted with an “o”. We created the charts for 5-6 handed plays with 100-200 ante stacksize. The last adjustment you’ll want to make when it comes to bet sizing in poker tournaments is your preflop sizing. In contrast to this hand is something like 8899 double suited. Instant Play Online. MP pre-flop ranges. Situation #3 – You’ve called a preflop raise and are now heads-up out of positionHiJack folds the weakest 50%-60% of their range and the Cutoff wins the 4. 5 times the opponent’s 3-bet. The fold to 3-bet statistic is the most important one to understand. Preflop + Poker GTO Nash Charts (Free / $74. But most players will re-raise before the flop when they hold a premium hand and cold-calling a raise or cold-calling a re-raise is usually a sign of a hand that’s not in first place. Overview. Hero's Fold Equity is. Therefore, with these preflop charts, you will start with a strong and fundamentally correct strategy, which will help you make the best decisions and understand the principles of the right play. Mixed. Furthermore, the more people there are left to act, the more likely someone can call or 3-bet with a strong value. Cutting Edge. For poker charts, "s" means cards of the same suit (from "suited"), and "o" means offsuit (from "off suited"). While these charts will work well in most situations, you should adjust them to. SPR tells us if we are committed on the flop, so we don’t re-calculate our SPR on the turn and river and use the same commitment thresholds that we did on the flop. Poker Hand Rankings & Charts: Evaluate Your Poker Cards. Some of the best holdings on the starting hands chart include the following two-card hands: Pocket Aces . Note that the first open-raise preflop in Hold’em and Omaha is referred to as a “2-bet” because the mandatory blind payments are considered as the first bet of the sequence. "Open-limping" - i. Training sites such as Red Chip Poker and others include many charts for. If you an intermediate player and already have a firm grasp of how to play Texas Hold’em, you may skip to part #2. At the very end of this article you will find some suggestions for your UTG range as well as a section about bet and raise sizes. Regardless of whether your top pair is on a King-high flop or an Ace-high flop, your hand is very strong, and extracting value should be your immediate priority. Preflop + Poker GTO Nash Charts (Free / $74. Since the SB is a ‘never folds’ kind of player, we should start with a very wide range of hands and remove the hands that would 3bet instead. Way you gonna play will be very dependant on your opponent in BB. Blue hands - optional raise (If BTN is a tight player and/or BB is a weak player). These ranges are intended for situations when one player has made a raise before you. Classic table games like blackjack, roulette, and craps are favorites of mine, so I’m always sure to include their availability in my online casino reviews. Check Details Preflop ranges multiway tournamentSPR is a preflop/flop metric: Please remember this. The smaller your opponent bets, the more you want to check-raiseBy improving your pre-flop strategy, you will set yourself up for success in poker! Download my Preflop Charts at features three ROL (Raise Over Limpers) charts, which are modified raising charts, taking any additional players already in the hand into consideration. Big Blind (BB): This player sits to the left of the small blind and is the last to act preflop. If I choose which hands to play based onPreflop Poker Hand Charts. A late position open is referred to as a “steal attempt” due to the excellent chance to win the blinds without needing to see a flop. Actions table – Shows actions of the whole range. folds to hj, Hero raises to $2. The thing is, though, in poker, no one is going to play correctly. Before we go into these ranges, let us consider the scenario where another player has called the raise in front of you. Learn a fundamentally sound strategy for. raises” chart the color is wrong. 5x the big blind when attempting to steal the blinds. The fact is when you see the flop from the BB when defending against an open-raise, you will almost always be at a range and positional disadvantage. In this example you are confronted with a min-raise. I think by this point I've used (maybe not consistently, still working on that) all the basic "non-math" techniques to improve my game, seeing if an opponents "story" makes sense, Making my own story make sense, fold 72o,. When the action folds around to you in the Big Blind, the hand is over and you win the pot. Identify Leaks & Destroy Your Opponents; Made for Poker Players Who Want a Massive Edge;Here is your ultimate Texas Hold'em poker cheat sheet. When we open-raise UTG, there are five people left to act in a 6-max game, with all but the SB and BB having positional advantage post-flop. 4pp. Preflop Academy is the perfect tool for you. Check Details Texas hold'em poker rulesPreflop raise-sizing. Picture 2: RFE = R / R + (PG). This gives the opener the opportunity to play aggressively, and to bluff a lot, but he paid for that opportunity preflop when he took the risk of opening the pot. This is when you raise preflop and then somebody re-raises you back. To get the most folds for the least amount of money you should generally raise to three times the big blind. When a player only calls the big blind (without raising) preflop it is called limping. If you’re not sure how to gauge the strength of your preflop hand, consider studying a preflop chart. AKo is 12 possible combos of ace and. Vs 2. Download now! The Structure. Break any preflop bad habits as soon as you can and stick to the preflop range chart. The first rule is fairly obvious. You raise to $0. Grab our easy to read preflop poker charts for free and build a solid poker strategy for your game instantly. But if you hit, you will try to build a pot and win as much money as possible from your unsuspecting opponent. When 3-betting from out of position a 4x raise sizing is used. The preflop betting round continues in that fashion until all players get the opportunity to call, raise, or fold. The basic TAG strategy pre-flop is to play a limited selection of hands that are determined by their position at the poker table. To Go. The location: High Stakes Poker in the Aria Casino, Las Vegas The stakes: $200/$400 with a $400 BB ante. Tournament: Free: Get: 6-Max Implementable GTO Charts Use these preflop charts when playing at a 6-handed table 100bbs deep against tough opponents with no ante. Learning how to play solid preflop is the first step towards becoming a winning player. Your push/fold trainer20 Nov 2023 detailed hand charts to guide players on how to optimally play their starting hands in Texas Holdem, offering specific strategies based on one's position at the table and emphasizing the significance of making informed preflop decisions to gain an edge over opponents. Casino Online Games@yourdomain. 1 - The Raise First In (RFI) Ranges show which hands to play in each position when all other players have folded to you. In total there are. Before going into the next section, I want you to keep in mind that there aren’t any preflop simulations that back these ideas. Multiway dynamics feature very different strategic ideas compared to HU. Hero checks. SB (Small Blind) poker preflop chart. Limping preflop is also much more common than in Texas Holdem, where it is usually not an optimal strategy. Due to the ante structure and preflop equities, going all in preflop at 50a or 100a stack depths is common, even as an open raise. This is a very bad strategy to use for a number of reasons. Because of this, you need to be ready to make drastic adjustments to your big blind defending range as your pot odds change from spot to spot. These preflop charts are designed to give you a fundamentally sound starting point for your preflop decisions. You can check it out here: I'm not trying to build a product just trying to improve my live poker game and thought it'd be nice to have a little chart to double check. Looking down at two aces as your hole cards means you should get as much money in the pot as possible in the preflop betting round. When you face a preflop shove you only have two options (barring multi-way situations): you can call or you can fold. As always in poker, adjust these sizings. Here is poker position layout for a full-ring game: UTG – Under The Gun. The advice here is a reflection of my own experience as a non-professional player learning the ropes in 2022, with all the tips and resources I’ve found along the way. Updated: August 24, 2022 by Alton Hardin Intermediate, Poker Strategy Articles 6-Max Pre-Flop Open Raising Ranges 4. The player has a hand they would like to play, however it. Open limping is when a player just calls the big blind pre-flop, and is the first player to enter the pot. If Q5s and Q4s is 50% raise or fold, we would just make Q5s raise and Q4s a fold as an example. Each category features shoving. Us Poker Site Reviews. This chart isn’t a perfect solution for realising where you’re at in a poker hand when you factor in your opponent’s hand. Fold to 3-bet. Note: If you want to win at poker, you need a solid preflop strategy. Like many of the courses on the site, this one is also aimed at more advanced players who are looking. If someone has raised before them, they will usually either 3-bet or fold. Focus on the pot size, not your opponent’s stack sizes. This is very tricky position to master. Showdown. tiggs • 5 yr. Button bets $2. 5x vs 4bet 2. Raise First-Ins UT G UT G + 1 UT G + 2 L o j a c k Hi j a c k Cu to ff Bu tto n S ma l l Bl i n d . The reason for playing a tight range in early position is positional disadvantage. In addition to these charts, you can download our Poker Coaching Mobile App to access. CryptoWhen there’s a straddle (or a third-blind) in the game you’re playing, make the following adjustments to your pre-flop strategy: Use a smaller open size when the pre-flop SPR is low. 5 blinds or less. Vegas $1/$2 players call raises much more frequently than online players, leading to fewer pre-flop take-downs, and many more family pots. 5% of the time, compared to 9. Preflop Charts FAQ Where is the chart for the Big Blind? These are Raise First In charts, meaning you raise with these hands when the action folds around to you. Charts open pushing preflop chart push pre strategy pokerstrategy sng bb go blue ante early stack position epMax poker open strategy preflop charts cash game ranges handed position games raise each nlhe raising crush champion where The secret to playing multiway preflopPoker preflop strategy: fixed limit preflop hand chart (6 max) for. How to quickly count outs to judge the value & chance of winning a hand in 2023. Vs 3x Raise: 3-bet to 10BB. UTG, UTG +1, UTG+2 and LJ are gone and HJ could be considered your minimum starting range. This is simply a raise by the Big Blind. Training. Read until the end to get 3 tips for playing suited gappers when you connect with the flop and. Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage, which is the raw equity needed to call. One for calculating ICM effects. Raise (larger) with premium hands, look to. Thinking about what players have in the form of a range is valuable because it allows you to think about all of the possibilities of a hand. So if we change the preflop raise size to 5 and keep a 75% bet on all streets notice that the final pot size is roughly 180. I’ve read the book and keep these on my cell phone while I train myself for proper range discipline. It includes RFI and facing RFI & 3bet, but it doesn't cover facing limpers. Preflop Charts See full list on automaticpoker. Preflop hand range charts dictate what hands to open raise with from each position, as well as which hands to call or raise with against a player who has bet before you get to act. VPIP/PFR gives you a general idea of the player type of your opponent. I tend to make my UTG opens tighter than HJ recommendations because I'm the first to act. Even if your preflop strategy is to fold, it’s a good strategy if you have a weak hand. Preflop basics. But first, let’s take a look at what an ante is. Nearly all poker training sources now present poker ranges on a 13×13 matrix, or a “grid” if you prefer. In a balanced strategy, you will have a fold to 3-bet of somewhere near 55%. 0 / PFR-Multiplier (5) Reaction acc. 5 blinds or less. In tournaments, the standard open-raise size is usually 2. To save space on the charts, I use a common hand range shorthand. For a full overview of all of our charts, see our 10 Poker Range Charts to Play Winning Poker page. The only times. we can see that our opponents have to fold 63% of the time for us to break even. These hands have decent raw equity with which you can call the preflop raise. This linear view of raising — where a player only open-raises. Ranges start to get wider. 16. When you plug the numbers in, you get: RFE = 3 / 3+1. Sometimes you can choose to open some hands instead of strictly using push fold strategy. This free Preflop Guide includes 8 easy-to-read charts and crucial tips that will help you play like a pro before the flop. It shows you when it is profitable to shove a specific hand based on your position and stack depth for the play to be winning you chips even when your opponents are calling perfectly. So looking at equity alone, a case. In a 9-way hand, A2s wins 13. Acrisure Stadium Seating Chart For Concerts. Our GTO Poker Charts ranges were created by working through as many preflop scenarios as possible in different Poker Formats, using both Monker Solver and Pio Solver. If the flop comes K♠ T ♦ 5 ♦, you should probably bet. New Color Key. Facing a raise, your response with Ace-Three suited should depend on both your position and your opponent’s position at the table. Then they will play them aggressively. Most players build their preflop. JJ – The intermediate pocket pair of the Top 10 Texas Hold’em Starting Hands. Preflop, the two players seated to the left of the dealer must place required bets before any hand is dealt, which are known as the ‘blinds’. CO pre-flop. 000x. Lock your seat now! 3 Tips for Pocket Sixes as the Preflop Raiser Tip #1: If you have an underpair to the flop, check back (in single-raised. The 3betting charts saying when to call/fold/raise is where I’m getting stuck. That is a massive 42%. How To Play Ace-Queen Suited Preflop Unopened Pots. When you go from 9 to 4 handed 5 positions in your preflop charts disappear. With the help of this open raising chart and the analysis of selected hands you will learn how to adjust your ranges to find a profitable entry into playing shorthanded. 1. When it comes to 3. 5x (plus 1x per limper). 5x Raise: 3-bet to 9BB. You make the most decisions preflop of any street. Pay close attention to the raise size. Downloadable Preflop Charts Charts are meant to be used for. The best short stack poker strategy is to play tight preflop, fold all speculative hands like suited connectors and suited aces, bet small postflop with both your bluffs and your value hands, play your draws fast and use the squeeze play often. GET THE CHARTS. 3-bets have become more common in poker these days, as players look to turn up the aggression on their opponents. These charts were specifically designed for 100 big blind stacks in cash games. For example: $0. Part 2: Basic Poker Fundamentals & Theory. Are there better cash options? IP:any2willdo OOP: use hands. A2s wins 55. This chart details the Hole Cards that we believe you should open with in an 8-max No-Limit Hold ‘Em tournament without antes – such as Match Poker Online’s™ Battle Royale tournament. 8824% or 1 : 16. Increase the size of your raise if other players have limped or are calling stations. It’s very intuitive that Pocket Queens are a strong hand preflop since it’s a strong pair before the flop. Access high-level preflop charts that will boost your win-rate when you join the Upswing Lab training course. For example, they may raise to 2bb from every position except. This would be a Flopzilla range of [6. All preflop raises increase VPIP, but not all actions that influence VPIP will affect PFR. R/Poker is currently in Blackout Mode due to…Get free preflop charts here and start playing like a pro before the flop. 5% opening range: If you are opening to a larger size (3x) versus a loose opponent, it is usually best to open somewhere between 70% and 80% of hands. Now, think about the prospect of playing out. The Advanced Solver Ranges for cash games — one of six sets of preflop charts in the Upswing Lab. Simply put, every other hand you can be dealt is going to lose you money. Preflop Calling Ranges. Get it now! If you play too loose, you will too often flop a medium-strength pair or drawing hand, which perform poorly when the stack-to-pot ratio decreases. If you know your opponent open-raises preflop 15% of the time, you can start by building the top-15% of hands to estimate their range. e. First, in the average $1/$2 live game, there is a lot of preflop continuance and not a lot of preflop folding: meaning there is a higher risk of multiway pots. Appropriate postflop bet / raise sizes were used on Flop, Turn and River including donk bets in correct situations to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the preflop strategy. 00 on PokerStars, $100 Effective Stacks. Nowadays (2023) almost all preflop range charts are based on GTO (Game Theory Optimal) ranges. 2nd bet = Open-raise. As far as 6-max, just shorten up the starting hand ranges for opens. When you enter a pot preflop, it is usually best to do so with an aggressive action. Adjustment #1: Tighten Your Preflop Ranges (Especially Your Calling Ranges) Check out the two solver-generated preflop ranges below (taken from the upcoming Smash Live Cash course). GTO preflop vs limpers. The secret to playing multiway preflopPreflop mistakes common most charts hand avoid poker relying starting Poker win chartUltimate guide to 6-handed poker. E. To make up for those A-high combos, you will want to check-raise bluff with some hands that have backdoor straight and flush draws (8♦ 5♦, J♠ 5♠, 9♥ 5♥). When you raise from UTG, the article says to defend 74 hands, while the opening range is 176 hands. Looking at the preflop charts, I can memorize the opening charts no problem. Instead of calling, you might also choose to raise, if you think there’s a good chance your opponent will fold, which brings us to the next concept. While these charts will work well in most situations, you should adjust them to take your specific situation into account. Let’s dive in!When playing against players with short stacks, say around 20 or so straddles, you should raise smaller than 3 straddles preflop. Use these charts as a study tool to help you improve your understanding of push/fold scenarios. If allowed by your poker site/room, we recommend keeping the preflop raise charts up while you play (until you memorize them). Looking at the starting hands chart above, three things should be clear: The stronger your hand (i. Preflop Mistake #1: Limping. When facing a 3 blind raise (with no callers), the player in the small blind needs ~36% equity to profitably call. Players normally fold or raise. This product is temporarily unavailable. These questions cover 3-betting, raising, limping, tournament play, and more, and each answer comes with a clear explanation. 07 Jul 2023. The right choice of starting hands is the key to success in any poker discipline. I've seen streamers do this and I've tried. In the image above, we see how the big blind should respond to a cut-off player's open at 40bb (blue = fold, green = call, light brown = raise, dark brown = all-in). Bet and raise your strong hands frequently and don’t rely on others to do the betting for you! The four playing styles. 50, Cutoff 3-bets to $8, btn & blinds fold. Preflop range charts. The positions around a table in a 6-player game. You have another answer to raise. Understanding Push/Fold Equilibrium Charts. Your strategy in these sorts of out of position spots will have a major impact on your win-rate. +2 392 3929 210. Cash: Standard: Get: 4-Max Implementable GTO. 5 big blind initial raise size, a 3-bet size that is 3 times the opponent’s raise, and a 4-bet size that is 2. Facing a re-raise after raising. This gives you the possibility to call with a wider range. The fold to 3-bet statistic is the most important one to understand. KK – Second best in the game, you only slow down the aggression if you see an Ace on the flop. These 9 max preflop charts show you which hands you should call, fold or raise in the most common situations with a stack of 100bb. That way, your opponent won’t make as much money when they shove over your raise and you are forced to fold. You should generally be more aggressive with. Warning: Do not slow play!Below, we’ve outlined 8 exploitative tactics that will help you capitalize on the many leaks in your live poker opponent’s game. This poker push/fold chart assumes you only are pushing or folding. For example, if you wanted to see what hands to raise with first into the pot from the UTG you can select RFI -> UTG which gives you this range:Use these charts preflop when playing Heads Up with a Big Blind Ante. Learn the Best Texas Holdem Poker Strategy: Tight and Aggressive. In community card games like Texas Hold’em and Omaha, most flops include the opportunity for a player to make a c-bet. Red = 75%. Raise Total and Call Total values in the popup for preflop stat show the player's raise and call frequencies in the situation described in the stat. Use these range charts from the BB facing a single open raise vs a Tough Opponent. Adjustment #2: Try to Win More Pots Before the Flop. Raise 1, Call 2. Bonus: PLO University Preflop Charts. 67x. You would need to fire like 20 BB to get them down to 2. This chart details the Hole Cards that we believe you should open with in an 8-max No-Limit Hold ‘Em tournament without antes – such as Match Poker Online’s™ Battle Royale. Calling Range for Blind Defense. This fact means that if everyone is playing perfectly, this is the chart to go by. Finally, note that strategy with these more speculative hands, and play in general, will be altered according to your stack size. In this article, you will learn how to play suited gappers in the most common preflop scenarios. When we talk about “choosing a raise size,” it’s important to realize that we mean one raise size for a given situation. From out of position, use a 3. For example, if you go all-in preflop with Pocket Aces and another player calls with Pocket Kings, there is. Especially hands that are speculative can be added (lower. QQ – Third on the podium, a premium holding. The secret to playing multiway preflopPreflop mistakes common most charts hand avoid poker relying starting Poker win chartUltimate guide to 6-handed poker. With these hands, against a preflop raise, I would recommend folding unless we are in the big blind as these hands are too weak against a raising range. It may take a bit to master, but once you do you will appreciate the simplicity. Choose hands that play well when the pre-flop SPR is low. Here are the guidelines: For open raising, if you see 3x that means 3 times the big blind. This chart is a GTO poker chart for hands to open-raise within a 6-max game. e. 5. How should we incorporate small pairs into our open-raising range? The answer depends on whether or not there are antes: With antes in play we can profitably open-raise all pairs from any position (except for the small blind, where limping and/or a mixed strategy is fine). Sometimes you can choose to open some hands instead of strictly using push fold strategy. While postflop 4-bets are possible, this article focuses exclusively on preflop 4-betting. Even when you’re Under the Gun, it’s that simple. Avoid limping with mediocre hands. Pocket KingsReward = 1. In addition. Pocket aces (aka “Pocket Rockets” or “Bullets”) is the best Texas Hold’em starting hand. Seeing flop 9 handed even with the strongest preflop hands is good way to turn what was the best hand preflop into third best hand post flop. Learning how to defend against 3-Bets well in today's small stakes poker games will be a big key to your success. If your opponent have fold to steal of 40% and 3b of 20% you have to narrow down your opening range to 35-40% so. 1–22. If there are less than nine players, decisions are more difficult to make, and beginners may have problems coping. 'My opponent is a fish because they called a re-raise preflop with 64 offsuit. More Texas Holdem Starting Hands. This may not look like the range you would flat with – but you likely aren’t. So to recap: 1c/2c (online) and $1/$2 (live) cash games - Raise preflop 4x the big blind, 3x the big blind when attempting to steal the blinds. #1. Under The Gun (UTG) + UTG +1 and UTG +2. Why You Can’t Only Rely On Your Outs Percentages. Purple = 100% Raise. A player that raises. It describes a situation where the action is folded around to us preflop, and we raise, being the first player to enter the pot voluntarily. Neither 4-bet ranges. 400 000+ Preflop Charts. Jonathan Little Reveals: You make the most decisions preflop of any street. Opening ranges vary with how deep you are. You will be able to practice the OR (Open Raise) skill, situations vs Open Raise, as well as situations where a 3. The goal is. The first section of this book will teach you to do exactly that. They will always raise when they are first in to the pot. Purple hands - always raise. This free Preflop Guide includes 8 easy-to-read charts and crucial tips that will help you play like a pro before. Topics include: Preflop Mistakes: Limping In • Heads-Up Postflop Mistakes: Folding Too Often • Postflop Mistakes. For each position there is an open raising range and the corresponding call 3-bet and 4-bet ranges. I saw him briefly mention in a video that because GTO assumes everyone at the table is playing 100%. 16. 4:1 so hard to fold them. There are two modes for efficient learning: Classic: make decisions at the table like in a real poker game; Range-drawing: try to reproduce your ranges and check the accuracy of your answers. The Button’s advantageous position makes stealing the. It means you choose to put more money into the pot than needed to. Preflop solvers have found out that the optimal preflop open-raise fluctuates between 2 and 3 big blinds (bb), generally hovering around 2. Strategy. The concept of a tight-aggressive poker strategy is simple: play very few hands, but play them aggressively. The relationship between VPIP and PFR. If you normally raise to 2. If you are here for more advanced preflop tips and to push further: Semi-loose is the best chart here, if you want to push your level, aim for it. Everything is built around the Big Blind. Online Cash Ranges Live Cash Ranges MTT Ranges Advanced Solver Ranges Advanced Tourney Ranges Heads-Up Ranges Preflop Charts Guide. The exact opening ranges in the charts for each position are the following: Lojack (MP): 16. This free Preflop Guide includes 8 easy-to-read charts and crucial tips that will help you play like a pro before the flop. Preflop poker strategy Tip 3: Take the initiative and be aggressive. Fast Track Poker. You should generally be more aggressive with. GTO preflop vs limpers. : T9s in this chart will be 100% flatted preflop vs an open raise and should be called vs a 3-bet all-in of one or more players (100-200a. 10. The hands in rows 12 and 40 have one or two components covered — not enough to warrant an open-raise from UTG. So start by analyzing your winrates when calling preflop raises with hands like 22-66, 77-99, TT, JJ, AJ/KQ, suited connectors, junk, etc. In a 9-handed cash game, the standard open-raise size is usually around 3 blinds. to opponent's PFR Pair Early Middle Late SB BB UTG UTG+1 UTG+2 MP1 MP2 MP3 CO BU SB BB call (HU) BB 3bet SB 3bet Iso 3betThe many different variants of blackjack have their own twist, although the basic aim of the game remains the same. WATCH TUTORIAL Because there are so many possible starting hands in PLO (270,725), we had to find a way to condense them without sacrificing too much depth. Please get in touch with us via email at: [email protected]'s imagine a scenario where you're in a tournament, are in middle or late position, and a couple or more players have limped in ahead of you. In these charts you will learn: Fundamentally sound strategies which you can adjust based on your opponents tendencies.